Research Methodology & Theory
A Review of Screening Tools for Early Detection of Dementia
,The early detection of dementia may have significant benefits, allowing individuals in the early stages of cognitive decline to make decisions for the future, or…
Women & the Meaning of “Age” in Bhubaneswar, India
,The meaning of “old age” can vary tremendously across time and across cultures, profoundly influencing how we order our lives. It can even vary within…
Generativity: Contributing to Others May Enhance Well-Being
,Scholars of the life course have long hypothesized that generativity, or constructive activity that benefits others, is important to mid- and later-life human development. (Examples…
Defining “Healthy Aging”
,The concept of “successful aging,” as coined by gerontologists Rowe and Kahn, has been influential in gerontology and has advanced scholarly understanding of healthy aging.…
Building Evidence for Dementia Prevention
,As was the case in 2010 when the National Institutes of Health issued a consensus statement on the prevention of Alzheimer’s and other dementias, there…
Measuring Physical Resilience
,Resilience is the ability to adaptively respond to challenges and adverse events. There are many types of resilience—emotional resilience, for example, is one form of…
Understanding Developmental Time’s Effects on Biological & Cognitive Aging
,When we use the word “age” in common speech, we are usually referring to our chronological age, or the number of years since our birth.…
Sense of Personal Control and Physical Well-Being: A Cross-national Study
,Researchers have hypothesized that older adults who have a strong sense of personal control may likely live healthier and longer lives. More specifically, older adults…
Successful Aging and Longevity in Older Women
,A recent study published in Journal of Aging Research uncovered additional support for the “successful aging” theory as well as new findings on the impact…
The Evidence-Practice Gap: Drug Trials & Older Patients
,Older adults are underrepresented as subjects in drug trial, and this is particularly true for older adults with chronic disease, who represent a rapidly growing…
Clinical Trials Fail to Sufficiently Represent Older Adults
,Older adults use the highest proportion of medical and pharmaceutical treatment, but are vastly underrepresented in clinical trial research. A recent review of publications based…
Gender and Aging: What Do We Know?
,The popular science press hosts countless reports of sex-based differences between men and women. Magazines, weekend newspapers and email inboxes teem with commentary about statistically…