The More You Know: A PSA on How to Be a Wiser Consumer of Scientific Research
A recent study in Neurobiology of Aging attempted to further scientific understanding of how the aging process impacts the human capacity to empathize. While the…
What “Healthy Aging” & “Dying Slowly” Have in Common
,As my late grandmother used to say, “One day you’ll look at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘when the hell did this happen?’” “This,”…
Older Adults & Substance Abuse
,A recent review in Current Opinion in Psychiatry addressed the unique problems posed by substance abuse among older adults. In addition to describing the prevalence…
What You Can Do to Prevent Slips, Trips & Falls
,With a third of people age 65 and better reporting a fall each year and two-thirds of that number falling again within six months, falling…
When Does an Older Adult’s Minor Injury Predict Functional Decline?
,For older adults, the potential for decline in the ability to carry out daily tasks after even minor injuries is a concern. Knowing what might…
Poor Diet, High Risk: Metabolic Syndrome & Dietary Choices
,Metabolic syndrome involves the presence of multiple metabolic risk factors for both cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome strongly increases with age and…
Giving to Others Reduces Impact of Stress, Eliminating the Association of Stressful Events With Mortality
,A recent study by Michael Poulin and colleagues in the American Journal of Public Health looks at the impact that giving to others can have…
Bilingualism Delays Onset of Single-Domain aMCI
,Researchers have provided further evidence that bilingualism may contribute to cognitive reserve and delay the onset of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type (DAT). A study…
Sleep-Disordered Breathing May Contribute to Cognitive Decline
,As previously featured in aging in action, there is some evidence that sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) may contribute to cognitive impairment among older adults. If this…
Physical Activity Leads to Improved Cognitive & Emotional Health among Frail Older Adults
,Exercise is known to contribute to healthy aging through physical benefits and overall quality of life, and appears increasingly likely to contribute to continued cognitive…
Inactivity Has Risks Beyond a Lost Opportunity for Fitness
,It is well established that physical activity contributes much to healthy aging. When a person increases his or her physical activity level, he or she…
Decreasing the Prevalence of Later-Life Depression
,Depression affects about one in ten older adults and is a leading cause of years of life lost due to its influence on other health…