Policy Regulation and News
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: How Does US Health Care for Older Adults Stack Up?
,How do the health care experiences of older adults in the United States compare to older adults in other industrialized countries? A survey of 15,617…
Public Perception of Long-Term Care Spells Trouble
,As long-term care becomes a growing public policy issue, having a clearer idea of the American public’s perception of policy options, finances, and information sources…
Concerns about Discrimination Against Individuals with AIDS and HIV in Senior Housing
,The population of individuals living into older age with HIV is increasing. It is estimated that within the next year, 50 percent of those living…
Why Turnover in Nursing Home Staff Matters
,Although prior research on factors impacting quality indicators of resident outcomes in nursing homes has focused on nursing home staffing and skill mix, less attention…
Individual & Facility Characteristics Predict Quality of Life Scores for Nursing Home Residents
,Much attention has been paid to factors influencing quality of care in nursing home facilities, but less attention has been paid to what contributes to…
Association between Sleep Medicine & Falls in Nursing Homes
,Nonbenzodiazepine sleep medication has been used increasingly at nursing homes to manage insomnia, a frequently diagnosed condition in such settings that has a negative impact…
Scientific Uncertainty around Mild Cognitive Impairment Can Create Tension for Diagnosed Individuals
,Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a relatively recent diagnostic category, covering a wide range of cognitive impairment that is less severe than that which meets…
Fall Management Approach May Lessen Consequences of Falls
,It is estimated that over one-half of nursing home residents will fall in any given year. While many risk factors for falling are not amenable…
Do Policy Reports Affect Falls Reduction Practices? Evidence from England & Wales
,Falls prevention research often leads to useful findings, many of which can be fairly simply implemented in home and long-term care settings to reduce falls…
Study Supports Tdap Vaccine for Older Adults
,Pertussis (or whooping cough) has increased in prevalence in the United States over the last several years, and can be fatal for infants. Infants are…
Pharmaceutical Policy for the Aging World Population
A recent opinion piece in the New England Journal of Medicine discusses a European strategy for appropriate research, marketing, and authorization for geriatric medicines. The…
Nursing Homes in Print News Media: Mostly Negative Coverage
There is a perception that the public has generally negative views of nursing homes (NHs), which is likely to be influenced by their portrayal in…