Long-term Care
The State of Seniors Housing 2012
,This research report on operational performance in seniors housing (collected in 2012 for performance results for the 12 months ending on 12/31/2011) includes data from…
Hurricane Evacuation: Its Impact on Nursing Home Residents with Dementia
Natural disasters challenge any organization that must put evacuation plans in place to move those who are vulnerable. Recent research suggests that those with dementia…
Long-term Care Awareness Study Reveals Americans’ Lack of Preparedness Related to Financing Long-Term Care
Northwestern Mutual’s Long-Term Care Awareness Study suggests that many Americans have work to do in order to be financially prepared for the costs of their…
Video Evidence of Falls in LTC: Loss of Balance, Tripping Cause More Falls than Slipping
,Falls are the leading cause of injury for older adults, and about half of older adults in long-term care (LTC) experience a fall in any…
Caregiving: Married Couples in AL & Their Adult Children
,Marriage has many protective factors, including greater insurance against having to relocate to a long-term care (LTC) setting. However, some older married couples do move…
2012 Seniors Housing & Care Journal: Resident Rights & the Census in Skilled Nursing Facilities
The decennial census (occurring every ten years) by the US Census Bureau provides crucial policy and planning information. It is important to incorporate the nursing…
2012 Seniors Housing & Care Journal: Factors Associated with LTC Planning
,Survey research suggests that most adults do not plan ahead for long-term care (LTC) or understand the range of available LTC options. However, there is…
National Survey of Satisfaction in Long-Term Care – Results Released
,The National Research Corporation, through its My InnerView product, recently released the 2011-2012 National Research Survey of Customer and Employee Satisfaction. More than half a…
Cost of Senior Housing and Residents’ Financial Concerns
,This paper is the third in a series of four based on the 2011 Residents Financial Survey (RFS) conducted by the Center for Retirement Research…
California Report: Great Need, Little Means for Long-Term Care
,A survey of registered California voters age 40 and better found that just about half (49 percent) of respondents expect to need long-term care (LTC)…
Financial Well-Being in IL & AL Communities
,This paper is the second in a series of four based on the 2011 Residents Financial Survey (RFS) conducted by the Center for Retirement Research…
Seniors Housing Statistical Handbook, Edition V
,The Seniors Housing Statistical Handbook, Edition V offers a statistical profile of the market-rate seniors housing industry. Revised and expanded, the 2008 edition focuses on…