Long-term Care
Why Turnover in Nursing Home Staff Matters
,Although prior research on factors impacting quality indicators of resident outcomes in nursing homes has focused on nursing home staffing and skill mix, less attention…
Individual & Facility Characteristics Predict Quality of Life Scores for Nursing Home Residents
,Much attention has been paid to factors influencing quality of care in nursing home facilities, but less attention has been paid to what contributes to…
Discharge Destination’s Impact on Rehospitalization Rates among the Cognitively Impaired
,Policy makers and health care professionals are united in a desire to reduce the number of avoidable rehospitalizations, which not only come at an enormous…
Influences on Caregivers’ Self-Perceived Ability to Provide Individualized Care
,Individualized care (also referred to as person-centered care, consumer-directed care, and self-directed care) takes into account resident individuality, includes resident participation in decision-making processes, and…
How Do Medication Aides Affect Care Quality?
,Several states have allowed skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to hire medication aides to administer medications to residents. Medication aides have less formal training than registered…
The Long-Term Care Needs of Same-Sex Couples
,With the increased visibility of the older adult gay, lesbian, and bisexual (LGB) population, new research is identifying health disparities that affect the well-being of…
What Direct Care Staff Think about “Good Care”
,Direct care workers play a crucial role in the provision of nursing home care, providing the bulk of hands-on care for residents and serving as…
Is Resident Hospitalization Related to Nurse Turnover & Retention?
,Nursing home (NH) residents have high rates of hospitalization and rehospitalization, with around one quarter of hospitalized NH residents being readmitted to the hospital within…
The Long-Term Care Insurance Paradox
,The aging of the so-called baby boomer generation (Americans born between 1946 and 1965) was expected by some to be a boon to sellers of…
Coordination of Roles & Policies Contributes to Job Satisfaction Among LTC Employees
,Research on the organizational factors that contribute (positively or negatively) to job satisfaction has suggested that the influence of any given factor may vary significantly…
Nursing Homes in Print News Media: Mostly Negative Coverage
There is a perception that the public has generally negative views of nursing homes (NHs), which is likely to be influenced by their portrayal in…
Nursing Home Administrative Policy and Environment May Reduce Falls Risk
,A pilot study, recently presented in a report in the Journal of Clinical Nursing, provides useful initial findings for the use of nursing home (NH)…