John Davy
Establishing a Person-Centered Culture in a VA Nursing Home
,The Veterans Administration has taken up the model of person-centered care, asking administrators throughout its health care system to modify their facilities and train their…
Mental Health Benefits of Neighborhood for Older Mexican American Men
,For all the positive steps we can take for our health—exercise, social engagement, diet—much of our wellbeing is out of our control. A growing body…
Can Health Care Reform Expand Patient-Centered Care in Rural Communities?
,The patient-centered model of care is well-regarded as a means to address the needs of older adults with chronic diseases. The patient-centered model is not…
Measuring Person-Centered Caregiving
,Person-centered care has become the dominant model for dementia care in the US and UK. This model emphasizes that older adults who are receiving care…
Clinical Trials Fail to Sufficiently Represent Older Adults
,Older adults use the highest proportion of medical and pharmaceutical treatment, but are vastly underrepresented in clinical trial research. A recent review of publications based…
UCLA Center for Health Policy Research: Older Adults with Disabilities Rely on Public Services
,A recent study and policy note from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research (Kietzman et al 2011) provides some needed context for discussions about…
Managing the Transition to Post-Acute and Long Term Care
,Transitions to long-term care, assisted living, and other supportive living options are often made in difficult conditions, under the financial and time pressure that follows…
Employment and Aging: Using Large Scale Data To Ask, “Who Works?”
,The so-called Great Recession has changed how Americans view work, and not just due to our 10% unemployment rate. Attacks on social security and pensions,…
Gender and Aging: What Do We Know?
,The popular science press hosts countless reports of sex-based differences between men and women. Magazines, weekend newspapers and email inboxes teem with commentary about statistically…
Aging, Health, and Culture: Two Recent Studies
,Two recent articles in the Journal of Gerontology examine culture and its role in assessing well-being. Each article, one published in the Social Science section…
Interviewing Residents on the Decision to Relocate to Nursing Homes
,One of the strengths of interview research, and other qualitative methodologies, is that we can empirically study the significance of events to individuals. Quantitative research,…
ADA Encourages Less-Restrictive Diet Options for Older Adults in Health Care Communities
,“Food nourishes the spirit as well as the body.” That might sound like something you’d hear from your favorite, and not quite diet-friendly, restaurant, but…