John Davy
Sense of Personal Control and Physical Well-Being: A Cross-national Study
,Researchers have hypothesized that older adults who have a strong sense of personal control may likely live healthier and longer lives. More specifically, older adults…
Successful Aging and Longevity in Older Women
,A recent study published in Journal of Aging Research uncovered additional support for the “successful aging” theory as well as new findings on the impact…
Encouraging Safety in Nursing Homes: Organizational Factors
,The term “safety culture” refers to an organization’s commitment to an environment in which adverse events can be discussed openly and productively. In health care…
Positive and Negative Perceptions of Older Workers
,As a growing number of older adults find themselves looking for work, it is important to understand how older adults are viewed and treated in…
Rural Challenges to Active Aging
,Older adults living in rural areas of the United States encounter particular challenges as they Age Well. Larger distances, fewer transportation options, and limited access…
Mentally Stimulating Activities Help Battle Apathy in Early-Stage Alzheimer’s
,Apathy affects more than half of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) within the first five years, and is associated with increased functional and cognitive impairment…
Unmarried Cohabitating Partners: A Growing Caregiver Population
,As the population of older adults in need of care continues to rise, more informal care work is provided by family and friends. Evidence has…
Person-Centered Care May Contribute to Job Satisfaction
,Many studies have shown the benefits of person-centered care for long-term care residents. By emphasizing the value of the patient’s feelings and sense of self…
Study Demonstrates Effectiveness of Online Support Groups for Caregivers
,As the prevalence of dementia increases, so does the prevalence of unpaid caregiving, as family members need to assume caregiving roles with their loved ones.…
The Evidence-Practice Gap: Drug Trials & Older Patients
,Older adults are underrepresented as subjects in drug trial, and this is particularly true for older adults with chronic disease, who represent a rapidly growing…
Participatory Action Research for Culture Change
,The culture change movement brought a much-needed emphasis on the dignity and humanity of those receiving long-term care. Research has identified many outcomes of culture…
Geriatric Knowledge Among Emergency Nurses
,Adults age 65 and older make up at least 15% of emergency department visits, and they have longer lengths of emergency department stay, as well…