John Davy
Unobtrusive, In-home Walking Assessment Will Benefit Research & Users’ Health
,Previously in aging in action, we discussed a new in-home sensor monitoring system designed to detect patterns in the physical activity of community-dwelling older adults.…
Improving Online Health Literacy
,With the amount of available web-based health information and the increasing demands on individuals to make their own health care decisions, online health literacy is…
Is Motion Sensor Monitoring Appropriate for You or Your Loved One?
,Home monitoring technologies have existed at least since the 1990s as a way of helping at-risk older adults age in place. The first such technologies…
Masters Athletes Retain Muscle Mass
,There is a common assumption that muscle mass is naturally lost with aging. Indeed, research shows that individuals lose an average of eight percent of…
Neighborhood Walkability, Income and Physical Activity
,Low physical activity is a risk factor for a variety of functional impairments and health problems. Older adults are at particular risk for physical inactivity…
Hearing Aids: Who’s Using Them?
,Multiple studies have shown that hearing loss has a variety of negative effects. Hearing impairment contributes to a range of social and functional limitations, and…
The Choice to Adopt Monitoring Technology
,To support the health and independence of older adults, scientists and engineers have recently developed some new and promising technologies, including in-home systems that remotely…
Costs of Informal Caregiving
,A recent health policy brief from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research has culled noteworthy data regarding informal caregivers from the 2009 California Health…
Understanding Developmental Time’s Effects on Biological & Cognitive Aging
,When we use the word “age” in common speech, we are usually referring to our chronological age, or the number of years since our birth.…
Assessing Pain in Dementia Patients
,Individuals with moderate-to-severe dementia have difficulty in reporting pain to caregivers and other care providers. Because of this, a number of observational pain assessment measures…
New Technology for Ongoing In-Home Health Assessment
,Researchers and practitioners in the field of aging must be able to detect individual change in health status over time. Current methodology in the study…
Environments to Support Mobility: A Review
,Mobility is crucial to Aging Well, as it enables physical activity, social interaction, and greater community involvement for older adults. While one often thinks of…