The Positive Effects of Internet Usage in Older Adults
,New research suggests that time spent perusing the Internet may actually reduce the probability of depression in older adults by as much as 33 percent.…
Subtypes of Older Adults on the Internet
,Older adults are the fastest-growing segment of computer and Internet users, but little is known about this segment of users. Are older adult Internet users…
Technology & Social Connections for Rural Older Adults
,Researchers are exploring the use of laptop and table computers to enhance the social connectedness of older adults in rural South Australia. The researchers are…
Can World of Warcraft Improve Cognitive Ability?
,In the past few years, there have been exciting and promising studies involving interventions for improved cognitive performance. Some researchers hope that such interventions will…
Seeking Health Information May Contribute to (or Complicate) Healthy Aging
,Due in part to increasing Internet use by agencies, medical clinics, and users of all age groups, there is a new wealth of health information…
How News Websites Convey Cognition & Aging Issues
,Online news media significantly influences the public’s understanding of aging. This is particularly true of the cognitive aspects of aging, as over half of Americans…
Using YouTube for Reminiscence Therapy (RT)
,Reminiscence Therapy (RT) is a popular psychosocial intervention used with dementia patients enacted in a group setting. RT involves discussion of past experiences, often facilitated…
VA Study Suggests Older Adults Interested in E-Health
,Past studies suggest older adults have been using the Internet more frequently as a source for health information. Surveys from the Pew Internet and American…
Older Adults Seeking Online Health Information: Initial Findings on What, Why, and How They Search
,Research regarding Internet use among older adults seeking health information is still relatively new. A recent ethnographic study (Harrod, 2011) was conducted in the United…
Fun & Games in Older Adults’ Online Communities
,Older adults are usually overlooked in the online entertainment world; by and large, online gaming and entertainment is marketed to the adolescent and young adult…
E-Health Promotion in the U.S. & the EU
,Many analysts argue that e-health not only holds promise as a means of making health care more affordable and broadly available, but that it also…
Pew Research Study: Technology and Americans with Disabilities
,A Pew Research study shows that even when the contribution of age and other demographic factors are considered, Americans with a disability are less likely…