Working Family Caregivers Needed to Participate in a Study!
,Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging is seeking volunteers to participate in a study to evaluate CareGeneral – a secure, interactive website designed to simplify care…
Variations in American Caregiver Service Use among Hispanics, African Americans & Whites
,Despite greater rates of disability among minority older adults, home- and community-based services are underused by this group and their caregivers. A recent study of…
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Family Caregivers
,Providing care for a family member with dementia exerts a great deal of strain on a caregiver, and caregiving has been linked to a number…
Caregiving: Married Couples in AL & Their Adult Children
,Marriage has many protective factors, including greater insurance against having to relocate to a long-term care (LTC) setting. However, some older married couples do move…
In-Home, Coordinated Care Management for Aging in Place
,Many older adults prefer to age in place even in the face of frailty or other serious health concerns. A forthcoming article reports on a…
Home Care Agencies Vary Widely in Caregiver Hiring, Screening & Supervision
,Home care agencies are often used to help older adults stay in their homes after physical or cognitive decline. In fact, home health aide work…
Stress & Caregiving among Luo Grandparents in Kenya
,In many parts of the world, grandparents are increasingly taking primary caregiving roles for their grandchildren. Research suggests that, in the US, grandparents who are…
Translating Research for Family Caregivers
,There is much research evidence for new practices of dementia care, specifically, innovative psychosocial treatments that manage cognitive and emotional symptoms often accompanying dementia. These…
Costs of Informal Caregiving
,A recent health policy brief from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research has culled noteworthy data regarding informal caregivers from the 2009 California Health…
Using YouTube for Reminiscence Therapy (RT)
,Reminiscence Therapy (RT) is a popular psychosocial intervention used with dementia patients enacted in a group setting. RT involves discussion of past experiences, often facilitated…
Mentally Stimulating Activities Help Battle Apathy in Early-Stage Alzheimer’s
,Apathy affects more than half of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) within the first five years, and is associated with increased functional and cognitive impairment…
Study Demonstrates Effectiveness of Online Support Groups for Caregivers
,As the prevalence of dementia increases, so does the prevalence of unpaid caregiving, as family members need to assume caregiving roles with their loved ones.…