Active Aging
Promoting Strength & Balance with Salsa Dancing
,Falls are the main cause of injury among adults age 65 and better. Loss of postural control (the ability to maintain balance) and loss of…
Strategies for Dealing with Limited Health Literacy
,Health literacy is an important aspect of healthy aging and is associated with a vast array of health outcomes. Limited health literacy is likely a…
Seeking Health Information May Contribute to (or Complicate) Healthy Aging
,Due in part to increasing Internet use by agencies, medical clinics, and users of all age groups, there is a new wealth of health information…
Expert Consensus on the Benefits of Physical Activity
,It’s clear that being physically active has a variety of benefits for older adults, however, it’s less clear which specific types of activity are most…
The Go4Life Campaign: Encouraging Daily Physical Activity
,The health benefits of daily physical activity are well-established, however, less than a quarter of older adults in the US regularly engage in it. For…
Neighborhood Walkability, Income, & Physical Activity
,Numerous studies show that physical inactivity causes a variety of health problems, and older adults are particularly at risk. Literature has recently emerged regarding the…
Cognitive Well-Being: More Than “Brain Fitness”
,Countless technological “brain fitness” programs promise (or hint at promising) improved cognitive performance in the face of dementia. A recent article in The Gerontologist argues…
Falls Risk Assessments and a Possible Link to Cognitive Health
,There are a few tests which are used to assess mobility and falls risk in older adults, such as the “Timed Up and Go” test…
Age Strong: Natural Bodybuilding and Narratives of Aging
,The field of narrative gerontology examines how the aging experience is influenced by broader cultural stories, specifically those regarding growing older. Narrative gerontologists argue that,…
Older Adults Seeking Online Health Information: Initial Findings on What, Why, and How They Search
,Research regarding Internet use among older adults seeking health information is still relatively new. A recent ethnographic study (Harrod, 2011) was conducted in the United…
Social Activity Associated with Decreased Risk for Disability in Later Life
,Social activity has been associated with lower rates of disability among older adults, but there has been a dearth of longitudinal or other data to…
Self-Efficacy & Healthy Weight Loss
,Healthy weight loss is one of the best ways that overweight adults can reduce their risk for cardiovascular disease and other illness. Many factors influence…