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A Collection of Tips, Trends, and Discoveries
InvestigAge is an online resource for industry experts, by industry experts, featuring curated and condensed research findings from 2010 to late 2023 covering a broad cross-section of research on aging.
Strategies for Dealing with Limited Health Literacy
,Health literacy is an important aspect of healthy aging and is associated with a vast array of health outcomes. Limited health literacy is likely a…
Unobtrusive, In-home Walking Assessment Will Benefit Research & Users’ Health
,Previously in aging in action, we discussed a new in-home sensor monitoring system designed to detect patterns in the physical activity of community-dwelling older adults.…
Seeking Health Information May Contribute to (or Complicate) Healthy Aging
,Due in part to increasing Internet use by agencies, medical clinics, and users of all age groups, there is a new wealth of health information…
Improving Online Health Literacy
,With the amount of available web-based health information and the increasing demands on individuals to make their own health care decisions, online health literacy is…
Is Motion Sensor Monitoring Appropriate for You or Your Loved One?
,Home monitoring technologies have existed at least since the 1990s as a way of helping at-risk older adults age in place. The first such technologies…
Expert Consensus on the Benefits of Physical Activity
,It’s clear that being physically active has a variety of benefits for older adults, however, it’s less clear which specific types of activity are most…
Masters Athletes Retain Muscle Mass
,There is a common assumption that muscle mass is naturally lost with aging. Indeed, research shows that individuals lose an average of eight percent of…
A Holistic, Technological Approach to Wellness
,To help older adults stay independent, researchers and clinicians are interested in both preventing and maintaining wellness. The term “wellness” usually includes several dimensions, such…
A Closer Look at Aging & Cognitive Decline
,Population studies of aging and cognition reveal that age appears to be associated with cognitive decline. In other words, as a population ages, the average…
How News Websites Convey Cognition & Aging Issues
,Online news media significantly influences the public’s understanding of aging. This is particularly true of the cognitive aspects of aging, as over half of Americans…
The Go4Life Campaign: Encouraging Daily Physical Activity
,The health benefits of daily physical activity are well-established, however, less than a quarter of older adults in the US regularly engage in it. For…
Neighborhood Walkability, Income and Physical Activity
,Low physical activity is a risk factor for a variety of functional impairments and health problems. Older adults are at particular risk for physical inactivity…