Trending Now
TRENDING NOW: The Ruff Side of Pet Therapy Programs
,Pet therapy programs are becoming more common in senior living and health care facilities, but a surprising number of facilities have safety concerns related to…
TRENDING NOW: Common Technology Use within Senior Living
,The most widely used resident care technologies in the senior living industry, according to the recent ASHA Senior Living Technology Report, are emergency response systems…
TRENDING NOW: Empty Convents Converted into Housing for Older Adults
,A number of projects are underway to convert underutilized convents around Chicago into housing for older adults. These buildings once offered living spaces for nuns,…
TRENDING NOW: Older Adults Living Apart Together
,The nature of committed relationships is changing for many older adults. “Living Apart Together” is an increasingly common type of relationship in which couples do…
TRENDING NOW: Hearing Aids Getting Smaller, Smarter, and—Soon—Cheaper
,Hearing aid technology has undergone dramatic improvements to make the devices smaller and smarter than they used to be. These devices can now connect to…
TRENDING NOW: Number of Family Caregivers to Drop as Need Rises
,A recent report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine found that the number of potential family caregivers is shrinking at a time…
TRENDING NOW: Adult Playgrounds
,Adult playgrounds have long been popular in China, Japan, and parts of Europe and South America, and now the concept is increasingly being adopted in…
TRENDING NOW: Senior Living Hails Ride-Sharing Apps for Residents
,An increasing number of senior living and aging services organizations are turning to ride hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft as an option for…
TRENDING NOW: Skilled Nursing Homes Striving for a Comeback
,A recent McKnight’s column titled “The Evolution of Nursing Homes” examines the changing world of skilled nursing homes and how many are convinced that this…
TRENDING NOW: How Aging Baby Boomers, Diversity Are Changing Assisted Living
,Recently, Bankrate published an online article titled Latest Trends in Assisted Living Facilities. The article examines how the senior living industry is changing to accommodate…
TRENDING NOW: Health Technology & Overall Technology Use for Older Adults 2011–2014
,A recent study in JAMA examined trends in older adults’ technology use from 2011 to 2014, with a particular focus on the use of health…
TRENDING NOW: Close-up on Cameras in Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing Residents’ Rooms
,A recent survey of assisted living and skilled nursing providers examined the use of cameras in residents’ rooms. While the issue of cameras is getting…