Stepping Together: How Social Support Optimizes the Benefits of Mobile Fitness Devices
,It may seem like everyone is wearing some type of health-tracking device nowadays, and older adults are no exception. Health tracking devices are types of…
Use It or Lose It: Information Technology Usage & Perceptions of Aging
,With the advancement of Everyday Information and Communication Technologies (EICTs) (such as those that promote e-banking, shopping, and entertainment), a generational divide in its usage…
Gone Phishing: Age-Related Differences in Identifying Phishing Emails
,Deceptive emails, or “phishing” messages, can have significant consequences for anyone who falls for this type of attack. A new study investigated how age may…
Gone Phishing: Age-Related Differences in Identifying Phishing Emails
,Deceptive emails, or “phishing” messages, can have significant consequences for anyone who falls for this type of attack. A new study investigated how age may…
Sad-Face Emoji: Social Media Use Associated with Depression in Adults
,Researchers seem to have found that social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok may be related to an increased likelihood of depressive symptoms in…
Testing the Test: A Move toward Culturally Inclusive Cognitive Screening
,Neuropsychological assessments, used to examine cognitive function, may not accurately measure the same abilities across cultural groups. In a study that received a Silver 2021 Innovative…
TRENDING NOW: Older Adults as Social Media Influencers
,The pandemic has allowed older adults to flex their technological muscles. For some, that meant broadening their horizons with social media. New research is finding…
Virtual Visits: Using Virtual Reality to Connect Residents to Distant Family Members
,A new study explores senior living residents’ use of immersive virtual reality to connect with family members from a distance. Twenty-one residents with mild cognitive…
TRENDING NOW: Smarter Use of Artificial Intelligence in Senior Living
,There is no shortage of news on the rising popularity of technology in senior living; everything from virtual reality to “care bots” is making its…
Keep It Up: How Older Adults Maintain Activity Tracker Use Long Term
,A recent study explored strategies older adults employ to maintain long-term use of an activity tracker. Researchers interviewed 20 people who had reported long-term use…
TRENDING NOW: Piloting Telehealth Drones for House Calls in Rural Areas
,The COVID-19 pandemic has required us all to be innovative, whether with our indoor activities and hobbies or our approach to self-care and well-being. Researchers…
TRENDING NOW: “Gossip Robots” Being Programmed to Ease Loneliness in Assisted Living Residents
,Robots are making their way into health care, used as a preventative measure to loneliness and a potential solution to staff shortages. McKnight’s Senior Living…