Mather Institute provides at-a-glance summaries of award-winning research from the past year, offering fresh, evidence-based ideas for senior living and aging services industries.
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Virtual Reality, Real Benefits: Enhancing quality of life for cognitively impaired older adults
,Researchers from the University of California Santa Barbara found evidence that using virtual reality can help improve the quality of life for older adults who…
Older adults on TikTok: Shattering stereotypes and taking names
,The use of TikTok as a social media platform has been increasing in popularity. Though most frequently used by younger adults, some older adults have…
Conversation Starter: ChatGPT as a Communications Solution to Older Adult Isolation
,Social isolation and loneliness are pressing issues among older adults, particularly among those with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). One article considers how ChatGPT, an artificial…
Say Cheese! AI App Uses Selfies for Health Diagnostics
,Adding to the technological toolbox is a new app that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate health diagnostics―and all it needs is a smile from…
Surfin’ the Web May Keep Dementia at Bay
,In an interesting turn of events, researchers from New York University are positing that regular internet use may be linked to lower dementia risks in…
Monitoring Mobility: How Smartphones Could Make Tracking Your Health More Accessible
,There is an increasingly vital need to make health tracking tools more accessible, especially for older adults. One aspect of health that is important for…
Rebooting an Ageist Industry: The Need to Revamp Technology Design & Distribution for Older Adults
,Technology can be a gateway for older adults to maintain their independence while also providing family and caregivers with the peace of mind that their…
Alerts from AI: How Artificial Intelligence Could Reduce ER Visits among Older Adults
,Through modern technologies such as self-driving cars or voice assistants, artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into public view. AI systems are computers or…
R2-D2, Busboy: A Fresh Look at Robots as a Staffing Support Solution in Senior Living
,In senior living, staffing challenges have been exacerbated by COVID-19, and they remain the top-of-mind concern for community leaders. McKnight’s Senior Living reports that robotics,…
“Alexa, Please Help Me Age Well”: A Competition Aims to Add Alexa Functions for Senior Living Residents
,While the adoption of Alexa has been slow among older adults, Alexa has been gaining popularity among Life Plan Communities and other senior living organizations.…
Controlling the Tick of the Aging Clock with TikTok: Mature Content Creators Use Platform to Promote Positive Aging
,Few can resist falling down the rabbit hole that is TikTok. On this social media platform, users can create short videos of almost anything they…
TRENDING NOW: Combatting Loneliness & Isolation with Empathetic Robots
,Older adults across New York State will be pleasantly surprised when they open their mail to find a new companion! The Daily Gazette is reporting…