Supply & Demand
AAHSA Ziegler 100: 2008 Results
,The release of the 2009 AAHSA Ziegler 100 (AZ 100) report coincides with one of the most challenging economic environments senior living providers have faced…
Significant Findings from First-Ever National Survey of CCRC Residents’ Families
,In 2011, Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging, Ziegler, and Brecht Associates, Inc. partnered to conduct the first-ever national survey of family members of residents living…
Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging Identifies 10 Senior Living Trends
,Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging derived 10 top senior living trends after surveying 600 senior living organizations representing more than 1,000 communities from 15 states.…
Interviewing Residents on the Decision to Relocate to Nursing Homes
,One of the strengths of interview research, and other qualitative methodologies, is that we can empirically study the significance of events to individuals. Quantitative research,…
Examining the Role that Caregivers Play in the Decision to Move to Assisted Living
,Researchers at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte recently published results from a study that examined the family caregiver’s experiences while moving relatives with Alzheimer’s…
Few Consumers Do Use the Nursing Home Report Card
,New research from the University of Pittsburgh indicates that only 12% of consumers remember factoring in the Nursing Home Report card in their decisions to…
Assessing the Future of Assisted Living
,A new book published late last year reviews the variety of factors that shape assisted living and its appeal to older consumers. The book entitled…