Senior Housing
Adjusting to CCRC Living: How & Why Older Adults Transition Differently
,Even when entered into voluntarily, the transition to senior living can pose a number of adjustment challenges to new residents. Although Continuing Care Retirement Communities…
Routes from Dissatisfied Resident to Successful Aging
,An article in a recent special Gerontologist issue on successful aging suggests that the impact of the residential environment and the subjective experience of older…
Sensor Monitoring: Sense of Safety or Invasion of Privacy?
,A growing number of technologies are being developed for older adults to assist in their efforts to live independently and to assist in the early…
Apartments for Life—A Dutch Senior Housing Innovation
,A review in Seniors Housing & Care Journal examines an innovative example of senior housing and care known as Apartments for Life. This senior housing…
Illinois Industry Salaries Revealed
,Realizing the importance of salary survey information for senior living providers to build and maintain competitive pay structures for their employees, LeadingAge Illinois recently released…
The Middle-Market Gap in Senior Housing: Challenges & Opportunities
,At its recent regional conference, the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing and Care Industries hosted a panel presentation, moderated by Bill Pettit of…
The Uneven Playing Field of End-of-Life Care
,New research indicates that people with dementia received better-quality end-of-life care when they lived in a skilled nursing home, or when they had advance directives…
Does Culture Change Impact Quality of Care?
,The focus of culture change models of care has been to improve the quality of life for residents, but the impact of culture change on…
Concerns about Discrimination Against Individuals with AIDS and HIV in Senior Housing
,The population of individuals living into older age with HIV is increasing. It is estimated that within the next year, 50 percent of those living…
Inaugural Report Released on US Long-Term Care Services
,A new report offers a comprehensive overview of long-term care providers, including their supply, organizational characteristics, staffing, and services. It also provides up-to-date statistics on…
Using Self-Reports of Individuals with Dementia to Examine How the Experience of Dementia Affects Psychosocial Outcomes
,Most studies of the psychological and social outcomes associated with dementia have relied on reports given by caregivers and clinicians to describe the experiences of…
Out-of-Pocket Health Care Spending in the Last Five Years of Life
,Although a key objective of Medicare is protecting the elderly from financial risk, little research has examined the financial impact of out-of-pocket health care expenditures…