Senior Housing
The Shift to Private Administration of Long-Term Care
,There has been a well-documented shift in publicly funded long-term care (LTC) from a predominance of nursing homes to a more balanced array of options…
Clean, Spacious Work Environments Enhance Assisted Living Staff Productivity
,Numerous studies have documented the impact that assisted living environments can have on residents, but what impact do these environments have on staff? A recent…
Stay in Senior Living Residence & Stay Out of the Hospital
,Many people begin to develop multiple health conditions as they age, making hospitalization more likely. Researchers have investigated various factors that increase one’s chances of…
TRENDING NOW: The Ruff Side of Pet Therapy Programs
,Pet therapy programs are becoming more common in senior living and health care facilities, but a surprising number of facilities have safety concerns related to…
TRENDING NOW: Empty Convents Converted into Housing for Older Adults
,A number of projects are underway to convert underutilized convents around Chicago into housing for older adults. These buildings once offered living spaces for nuns,…
TRENDING NOW: Skilled Nursing Homes Striving for a Comeback
,A recent McKnight’s column titled “The Evolution of Nursing Homes” examines the changing world of skilled nursing homes and how many are convinced that this…
Can’t Get No Satisfaction: How Do Respondents’ Personal Characteristics Impact Resident Satisfaction Ratings?
,Resident and customer satisfaction surveys are an important way for aging services organizations to gauge how well they meet the needs and preferences of the…
TRENDING NOW: How Aging Baby Boomers, Diversity Are Changing Assisted Living
,Recently, Bankrate published an online article titled Latest Trends in Assisted Living Facilities. The article examines how the senior living industry is changing to accommodate…
All by Myself: Life Plan Community Residents Experience Social Isolation
,While research on isolation in community-dwelling older adults (e.g., older adults still living in their own homes) is prevalent, less attention has been focused on…
TRENDING NOW: Senior Living Administrators Seek Solutions for Staffing Shortages
,Recently Senior Housing News published an article that examines the continuation of staffing shortages within the senior housing community, and how administrators within the industry…
Stigma & Separation: Social Issues Surrounding Multiple Levels of Care in Senior Housing
,Although Life Plan Communities and other multilevel senior living residences offer older adults the ability to age in place as care needs change, transitions from…
TRENDING NOW: Aging in Place with Access to Continuing Care
,With the aging of thousands of baby boomers , the demand for new home- and community-based care models is increasing. An overwhelming number of older…