Senior Housing
Methods for Valuing Entry-Fee CCRCs
,In an excellent analysis and summary of major issues that impact the valuation of continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs), Alan Plush, the senior partner of…
Housing Market for Those 55+ Shows Improvement
,Each quarter since its inception in 2008, the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB’s) 55+ Housing Market Index (HMI) is used to measure builder confidence…
Do Policy Reports Affect Falls Reduction Practices? Evidence from England & Wales
,Falls prevention research often leads to useful findings, many of which can be fairly simply implemented in home and long-term care settings to reduce falls…
The Long-Term Care Insurance Paradox
,The aging of the so-called baby boomer generation (Americans born between 1946 and 1965) was expected by some to be a boon to sellers of…
The Importance of Social Relations When Considering Older Consumers
,Scholars in marketing and sociology have examined how the consumption of goods and services is a factor in how people construct their social identity. This…
Coordination of Roles & Policies Contributes to Job Satisfaction Among LTC Employees
,Research on the organizational factors that contribute (positively or negatively) to job satisfaction has suggested that the influence of any given factor may vary significantly…
Nursing Homes in Print News Media: Mostly Negative Coverage
There is a perception that the public has generally negative views of nursing homes (NHs), which is likely to be influenced by their portrayal in…
Nursing Home Administrative Policy and Environment May Reduce Falls Risk
,A pilot study, recently presented in a report in the Journal of Clinical Nursing, provides useful initial findings for the use of nursing home (NH)…
The State of Seniors Housing 2012
,This research report on operational performance in seniors housing (collected in 2012 for performance results for the 12 months ending on 12/31/2011) includes data from…
Hurricane Evacuation: Its Impact on Nursing Home Residents with Dementia
Natural disasters challenge any organization that must put evacuation plans in place to move those who are vulnerable. Recent research suggests that those with dementia…
Long-term Care Awareness Study Reveals Americans’ Lack of Preparedness Related to Financing Long-Term Care
Northwestern Mutual’s Long-Term Care Awareness Study suggests that many Americans have work to do in order to be financially prepared for the costs of their…
Confidence in 55+ Housing Market Continues to Climb: 2012 3rd Quarter Results Announced
,Each quarter since its inception in 2008 the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) 55+ Housing Market Index (HMI) is used to measure builder confidence…