Policy, Regulation & News
Managing the Transition to Post-Acute and Long Term Care
,Transitions to long-term care, assisted living, and other supportive living options are often made in difficult conditions, under the financial and time pressure that follows…
Congressional Budget Office’s Report on Health Care Reform Bill
,The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued their report on the budgetary impact of the major health care form bills recently passed by the House of…
Robert Wood Johnson Publication Outlines the Impact of Chronic Conditions
,A newly published chart book released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health provides updated data on chronic…
The Impact of Inspection Visit Policy on Assisted Living in California
,In 2004, California changed the annual inspection practice of its assisted living residences (ALs) in an attempt to create a more problem-driven inspection system. A…
Continuity of Care for Medicare Patients Declined Significantly
,Continuity of care is an important element in the provision of quality health care. Continuity of care is defined as continuity in information, in care…
American Society on Aging Launches New LGBT Aging Website
,The American Society on Aging (ASA) recently launched a new website devoted to issues specific to aging lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) Americans. The…