Guest Contributors
The More You Know: A PSA on How to Be a Wiser Consumer of Scientific Research
A recent study in Neurobiology of Aging attempted to further scientific understanding of how the aging process impacts the human capacity to empathize. While the…
How-Tos for Savoring the Joys in Life
,How do you respond during positive experiences in your life? Sometimes, in the midst of a happy moment, we are already focused on the next…
Reflections on Aging, Irony & Wisdom
,“Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.”—Charlie Chaplin To paraphrase the wise comedian, life is ironic—a paradox that sometimes…
Why Are Older Adults So Happy?
,Their bodies and minds are slowly deteriorating, yet research consistently finds that older adults say they’re happier on average than people half their age. So,…
Auditory Deprivation: The Importance of Treating Hearing Loss Early
,A common complaint from people who have gone too long without treating their hearing loss is “I can’t hear with my hearing aids.” What they…
What You Can Do to Prevent Slips, Trips & Falls
,With a third of people age 65 and better reporting a fall each year and two-thirds of that number falling again within six months, falling…
Communication Tips for Family & Friends of Those with Hearing Loss
,Hearing loss can make communication frustrating for everyone. Remember: as frustrated as you may get, it is worse for the person with the hearing loss.…
Communication Tips for People with Hearing Loss
,Hearing loss can make conversations and social outings a struggle—but there are some steps you can take to make communication easier: Don’t try to hide…