Aging & Wellness
Of Wisdom & Well-Being: Personal Wisdom & Quality of Life in Chinese Older Adults
,Wisdom, or the accumulation of knowledge, judgment, reflection, and an experiential understanding of the social world, has long been acknowledged as a positive aspect of…
For Better & for Worse: Older Couples Influence Each Other’s Perceptions of Aging
,Research has found that couples can be interdependent, resulting in one spouse’s well-being affecting the other’s and vice versa. A study explored the role that…
TRENDING NOW: Pandemic-Related Early Retirement among Baby Boomers
,The COVID-19 pandemic has had many residual consequences, even as we find ways to normalize our lives. The Los Angeles Times reports on one such…
TRENDING NOW: Older Adults Reclaim Physical Health after Pandemic Restrictions Ease
,The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruption to daily life, as well as far-reaching consequences even as we are rounding the corner. One such consequence…
See, Hear: The Effects of Stress on the Senses
,Long-term exposure to stress can have numerous consequences, particularly on one’s mental and physical health. A recent study investigated whether the effects of stress extend…
Walk This Way: Exploring Health Benefits of Walking for Older Adults
,For some older adults, walking can lead to health benefits, but this may not be the case for everyone. Some studies are suggesting that higher…
Enjoy Life, One Moment at a Time: Daily Activities & Experiential Well-Being
,Health and aging scholars have long been interested in the relationship among physical activity, leisure, and satisfaction with life. Research suggests that productive engagement with…
“Hello, Grandma?” How Grandparent-Grandchild Contact Shifted during the Pandemic
,In recent years, increased longevity along with early childbearing and closer spacing between children has amplified the possibility of greater contact and exchange of care…
Awesome! Experiencing Awe Boosts Older Adults’ Emotional Well-Being
,When is the last time you were in awe of something? A regular dose of awe may be a simple and quick way to boost…
It’s More Than Physical Health: Successful Aging across Cultures
,Traditional North American models of successful aging often focus primarily on physical and cognitive health maintenance in later years. A recent Brazilian study investigated how…
Music to Our Ears: Older Adults’ Sleep Quality Improves with Music Therapy
,The prevalence of sleep disturbance among older adults is somewhere from 40 to 70%, which can have significant impacts on cognitive function and physical health.…
A Higher Purpose: Examining Links between Sense of Purpose & Healthy Behavior in Older Adults
,Much research has touted the benefits of having a sense of purpose and direction in life, including better immune functioning and increased longevity. There is…