Aging & Wellness
Whole Grains & Brain Gains: The Surprising Association between Dietary Fiber & Cognitive Function
,Exploring ways to maintain healthy cognitive function is a vital part of supporting aging well. A new study focused on higher dietary fiber intake as…
Speed Reading: Slower Gait Identified as a Risk Factor for Future Dementia
,How often during a walk do we monitor how fast we are moving? For many of us, we rarely ever consider our walking speed. Well,…
Time-Traveling in Your Armchair: Virtual Reality Technology Provides Reminiscence Therapy to Older Adults
,Imagine putting on a visual headset that transports you to the driveway of your childhood home without even leaving your chair. You may not physically…
Look on the Bright Side: Optimism Fosters Life Satisfaction in Older Adults with Activity Limitations
,Researchers from the Environmental and Occupational Health at Texas A&M University School of Public Health are sharing interesting findings from their study of the relationship…
A New (Virtual) Space for Older Adults
,Few can resist the urge to instantly check their phone, computer, or tablet when it beeps, alerting them that they have a notification on their…
We Met in Class: Forming Social Connections during Wellness-Related Virtual Learning Can Decrease Loneliness
,Although the COVID-19 pandemic shook societal norms to their core, it’s no surprise that the lives of older adults were especially hard hit. As one…
Exercise Your Options: Helpful App to Personalize Your Fitness Routine
,We hear time and time again that exercise is good for the mind, body, and spirit. Gerontologists prescribe exercise as an essential component to healthy…
Playing While You Walk: Using a Game to Engage Older Adults in Physical Activity
,Research has long shown that physical activity can protect against negative health outcomes and keep people aging well. Given the many challenges that can come…
Ready Player One: Video Games Provide Effective Post-Stroke Therapy
,Recovering from a stroke is an uphill battle. Those with the most success often receive both motor rehabilitation and behavioral interventions (e.g., goal setting, problem…
Stepping Out for Lower Mortality
,For decades the conventional wisdom was that the optimal number of daily steps needed to be around 10,000. However, as new research is now demonstrating,…
TRENDING NOW: A Tech-Enabled Multigenerational Living Experience
,McKnight’s Senior Living is reporting on a first-of-its-kind tech design of living quarters for older adults. A renovated World War I mansion, Werner House, is…
Learning about Lifelong Learning: A Look at Older Adults’ Motivations & Barriers to Active Learning
,Research shows that the old adage “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is highly inaccurate. According to a 2021 survey conducted by Research…