Aging & Wellness
Gait Speed & Subsequent Cognitive Decline
,Gait (or walking) speed has been repeatedly associated with cognitive health in cross-sectional studies (studies that collect data at one point in time). Walking requires…
Understanding Sleep Problems
,Insomnia and related sleep complaints are highly prevalent among older adults, leading to mood and cognitive problems and a reduced overall quality of life. Sleep…
Exercise Promotes Healthy Cognitive Aging through the Hippocampus
,Physical exercise appears to be a promising strategy to improve or maintain cognitive function, because research suggests it may enhance learning and memory among older…
Reminders of Age Stereotypes Have Mixed Effects on Cognitive Performance
,Stereotypes harm groups and individuals in many ways. Aside from mistreatment by others who hold negative stereotypes, members of stereotyped groups are also internally affected…
Mather LifeWays Announces Whole-Person Wellness Survey Results
,Results of a recent survey of continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) reveal that these organizations are providing robust wellness programs for resident and staffs. The…
Mental Activities Appear to Benefit Cognitive Aging
,Older adults who take part in mentally stimulating activities appear more likely to avoid or delay significant cognitive decline, but the relationship between activity and…
Can Population Aging Mean Less, Not More, Cognitive Decline?
,The increased life expectancy of the global population is well established, but the quality of life among the world’s growing population of older adults is…
Hypertension, Diabetes & Language Comprehension in Cognitive Aging
,It is becoming increasingly clear that cardiovascular health and other forms of physical well-being are crucial for healthy cognitive aging. A recent study explored the…
Hearing Loss Associated with Hospitalization & Poor Health
,Hearing loss among older adults can lead to a variety of functional challenges, and has been associated with poorer long-term cognitive outcomes. A study recently…
“Emotional Contagion” & Interpersonal Connection in Alzheimer’s Disease
,Changes in emotion and mood are common in people with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and in many cases of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). It remains unclear…
Interdisciplinary Acute Care Team Leads to Improved Hospitalization Outcomes
,Inpatient hospitalization can be a period of high risk for older adults, with an increased likelihood of falls, infections, functional decline, and institutionalization. The personal…
Depression, Antidepressants & Infection
,Clostridium difficile infection (C. diff, or CDI) is on the rise among older adults, often as a hospital-acquired infection. Research to identify modifiable risk factors…