Aging & Wellness
Age on Stage: The Many Benefits of Theater Arts for Older Adults
,Many older adults opt to pursue a number of artistic pursuits in their retirement. There have been previous reviews of older adults’ arts participation that…
A Matter of Life or Death: Stronger Well-Being Lessens Anxiety of Dying
,In the Iliad, Homer said, “Light is the task when many share the toil.” Homer’s advice is sage and has stood the test of time.…
The Art of Combatting Ageism: How One Art Program Is Changing Perspectives
,Health care students are usually exposed to older adults primarily in clinical settings such as hospitals or nursing homes. This can perpetuate negative stereotypes of…
Redefining Health & Aging
,A new study may shift how we define health and aging. Instead of focusing on diseases, researchers looked at 54 health measures to see which…
Why You Should Employ Older Adults to Serve Older Adults
,With a shortage of nurses and an aging population that needs more health care, industries including Life Plan Communities are scrambling for staff. One possible…
Crosswords & Cognition: New Research Supports Benefits of Word & Number Games for Older Adults
,A recent study provided further encouraging evidence about the positive impact that cognitively stimulating leisure activities can have for older adults. It also provided important…
A Surprising Look at the Personalities of Older Adults
,How much does one’s personality develop over the course of a lifetime, and how do our personalities play into the types of situations and interactions…
How to Win Friends—with Positive Expectations of Aging
,The attitudes we espouse impact our behaviors, and new research has reaffirmed this truism as it pertains to positive aging. The researchers tested the notion…
Going to the Dogs: How Owning a Dog Can Improve Older Adults’ Health
,A recent study of older adults looked the contributions of dog ownership on positive health outcomes, and asked whether potential health benefits of dog ownership…
Boogie for Your Brain: Dancing May Improve Cognition in Older Adults
,Numerous studies have shown the positive impact that exercise can have on cognition and the brains of older adults, and it has been suggested that…
Sing a Song of Aging: How Older Adults Are Depicted in Popular Music
,The portrayal of older adults in popular culture is something that has an impact on the general populace and how it views the aging process…
Join, or Die: Maintaining Membership in Social Groups Post-Retirement Decreases Mortality Risk
,Large longitudinal studies in the United States have shown that around 25 percent of American retirees experience a significant drop in health and well-being during…