Aging & Wellness
Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear: How Older Adults Gauge Distance
,Over the years, research has demonstrated that human perception is never quite as simple as it appears. For example, we know data taken in through…
TRENDING NOW: Adult Playgrounds
,Adult playgrounds have long been popular in China, Japan, and parts of Europe and South America, and now the concept is increasingly being adopted in…
Zzzzz: Which Sleep Patterns in Older Adults Are Linked to Dementia?
,Do sleep patterns predict older adults’ likelihood of developing dementia? Researchers attempted to answer this question by looking at how sleep patterns reported by older…
Feeling Useful as a Human Being into Older Adulthood
,Researchers are beginning to explore self-perceived usefulness and its impact on how we age. Specifically, Chinese researchers recently examined how older adults view their level…
Beet It: Immediate Brain Benefits Found for Drinking Beet Juice before Exercise
,A new study finds that older adults with high blood pressure who drink beet juice before exercising enjoy greater brain plasticity.
Three Cups a Day Keep Dementia Away: Promising Research for Coffee-Drinkers
,A cup of joe is a regular part of many people’s daily routines, but beyond helping us wake up, could that coffee be offering other…
Staying behind the Wheel: Extending Older Adults’ Ability to Drive with Cognitive Training
,Maintaining the ability to drive is an important way for older adults to maintain their independence, and loss of this ability is associated with negative…
Leisure Time over Time: How Men & Women Differ in Activity Levels as They Age
,Participation in leisure activities has been associated with a number of positive cognitive, physical, and emotional outcomes as we age. However, we are still learning…
A Positive View of Your Own Future Pays Off
,Recent research has shown a spotlight on ramifications on psychological well-being related to the way we conceive of our own futures, in addition to our…
Reading for Life: How What You Read Impacts Longevity
,Using longitudinal survey data that asked about book and newspaper/magazine reading separately, researchers recently looked at the association of reading with participants’ longevity, as well…
Makeup Work: Boosting Cognitive Benefits with Post-Retirement Leisure Activities
,Previous research has shown that work complexity prior to retirement is associated with long-term cognitive benefits in retirement, but what about the impact of the…
Preparing for the Inevitable: Family Caregivers Need Help Preparing for Recipients’ Death
,A survey of caregivers of family members with dementia who had passed away showed that more than a third reported being unprepared for the death.…