Aging & Wellness
The Long & Short of It: Get Your Recommended Weekly Physical Activity However You Can
,The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans released in 2008 recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate—or 75 minutes of vigorous—physical activity each…
Working Out with Friends: The Benefits of Peer-Coaching
,Researchers examined the effectiveness of a peer-coached exercise club for older adults. The club, which was founded in 2010 by an older adult, meets every…
Inflammation Information: How & Why Inflammation Impacts the Brain
,Attention has recently increased for the negative health outcomes associated with inflammation. A recent study looked at the impact of inflammation on the brain, and…
A Giving Heart: How Helping Behaviors Affect Cardiovascular Risk in Men & Women
,Engaging in helping behaviors has been suggested to benefit the giver as well as the recipient. A recent study looked at what impact three types…
Sexuality Matters: Health Disparities between Sexual Minority Women & Heterosexuals
,Sexual minorities can face a number of social challenges such as marginalization, discrimination, and stigma, which generally have been associated with various negative health outcomes.…
Lifestyle vs. Genetics: Factors in Building Memory Resilience & Reducing Risk of Dementia
,Individuals with the genes APOE and CLU have been shown to have higher risks of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia; however, a growing body of…
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hearing Loss Linked to Disability, Dementia, Depression
,Some degree of hearing loss affects approximately 30 percent of those age 65 and better and between 70 and 90 percent of those 85 and…
Toy Story: What Happens When Those with Dementia Engage with a Robotic Stuffed Animal?
,Robotic technology has been employed in a variety of ways, but perhaps the most cuddly implementation is in social robotic pets. One such pet that…
Laugh It Off: Exercise + Laughter Equals Benefits for Older Adults
,In light of research that suggests enjoyment is a predictor of physical activity participation in older adults, a recent study examined whether an exercise program…
What Works? A Type of Brain Training Associated with Reduced Dementia Risk
,The Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) study followed 2,802 older adults who were assigned to one of three types of cognitive…
Help from Man’s Best Friend: Dog Ownership Is Good for Your Heart & Your Longevity
,Among the records kept by the Swedish government on its citizens are dog ownership, the number of individuals in a household, and cause of death.…
TRENDING NOW: Older Adults Picking Up Pickleball
,Pickleball, an easy-to-learn sport that is growing in popularity, is bringing generations together and keeping older adults healthy. The game is similar to tennis, but…