Aging & Wellness
Cult of Personality: Older Adults’ Personalities Impact Their Benefits from Social Contact
,While social contact has been shown to have positive impacts on cognitive functioning in older adults overall, a recent study looked at how individuals’ personalities…
Museums for Memory: How Cultural Engagement Affects Brain Health
,Is going to a museum, theater performance, or cinema good for our brains? A recent study aimed to answer this question. Previous research has suggested…
Volunteer to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
,In an innovative study, researchers examined how various types of social engagement and participation influence older adults’ risk of cardiovascular disease. The researchers hypothesized that…
Imagine Yourself Setting an Exercise Goal: Self-Regulatory Imagery & Physical Activity
,Using imagery can play a valuable role in motivating and influencing physical activity. A recent study looked at the influence of a specific type of…
Standing Up for Sitting Less: How Reducing Time Spent Sitting Affects Older Adults
,To address the growing health concerns surrounding too much sedentary time, researchers investigated strategies to encourage older adults to be more active throughout the day…
Why Work Out? How Exercise Motivation Differs for Older & Younger Adults
,Prior research has suggested that as people age, motivations change from being focused on future-oriented goals to present-oriented, emotionally meaningful goals, such as maintaining social…
Waltz for White Matter: To Reverse Natural Aging of Brain, Older Adults Should Step Up to Dance
,The breaking down of cerebral white matter is one of the neural changes that drives age-related declines in cognition. Researchers set out to determine if…
Getting to Know You: Intergenerational Contact Shifts Young People’s Perceptions of Older Adults
,A recent study investigated how intergenerational contact influences young people’s perceptions of older adults. The researchers hypothesized that quality intergenerational contact would lead young adults…
TRENDING NOW: Older Adults Are Learning to Fall
,Learning how to fall is an intervention not commonly heard of in aging services, but it has been making headway. In theory, older adults in…
Having a Higher Purpose Lowers Risks of Physical Decline
,Sense of purpose has been associated with multiple cognitive and other health outcomes in older adults. Using longitudinal data from the Health and Retirement Survey,…
Why Me? What Makes Some People More Susceptible to Online Fraud?
,With an increasing amount of online fraud being conducted in the form of “phishing” emails, a recent paper looked at the cognitive and emotional characteristics…
Total Recall: How Age-Related Stereotypes Affect Older Adults’ Recall & Memory
,In two studies, researchers examined evidence that age-related stereotypes have a surprising effect on recall and memory in older adults. In the first study, approximately…