Aging & Wellness
Reading Material Matters: Effects of Books & Magazines on Aging Brains
,A recent study investigated whether reading books is better for the aging brain than reading magazines. The researchers looked at data from a longitudinal study…
Feeling Older? You Might Experience Less Complex Emotions
,Having complex emotional experiences is important for maintaining well-being, as is feeling younger than one actually is. In two studies, researchers investigated how these concepts…
Positive Views, Positive Outcomes: Exploring Older Adults’ Views on Aging, Leisure Activities & Physical Health
,Over time, a consensus has been reached by researchers that perceptions of aging are linked to health outcomes in older adults, including their physical functioning.…
Driving Question: Can Cognitive Training Help Older Adults Retain the Ability to Drive a Car?
,Can cognitive training prolong older adults’ ability to drive a car? In a ten-year study that earned a 2018 Bronze Mather LifeWays Innovative Research on…
A Word to the Wise: How Wisdom Affects Older Adults’ Well-Being
,A recent study explored three components of wisdom and their association with older adults’ subjective well-being and the impact of negative life events. While wisdom…
Solitary Refinement: Not All Older Adults Who Live Alone Are at Risk
,A recent study documents the differences in the social networks of older adults living alone and identifies which types of the networks are associated with…
Demographics, Depression & Differences in Wellness in Older Adults
,Recently, researchers examined looked at how demographic variables and depression symptoms related to wellness, resilience, and age perceptions among independent living senior living residents. In…
Lonely Hearts, Helping Hands: Easing Loneliness for Recent Widows with Volunteering
,In light of the numerous negative physical and mental consequences associated with loneliness, researchers examined whether becoming a volunteer might attenuate some of the loneliness…
Get Me to the Church on Time: Religiosity Linked to Longer Life Expectancy
,A new study shines light on the contributions of different aspects of religion on life expectancy and looks at what proportion of any extended life…
Another Reason to Diversify: Your Health Depends on It
,In a study that earned a 2018 silver Mather LifeWays Innovative Research on Aging Award, researchers examined how systemic inflammation—which is linked to poor health,…
Stressed Out? Change Your Attitudes Toward Aging
,According to recent research, having a positive attitude toward one’s own aging may help older adults cope with stress by reducing negative reactions to difficult…
Leveling the Playing Field: Exercise Intervention Boosts Brain Function in Older Hispanics
,A recent study examined the effects of an exercise intervention called ¡Caminemos! on the cognitive function of 571 Hispanic/Latino older adults for two years. The…