Aging & Social Factors
Health & Financial Literacy: Important Foundations for Decision-Making
,Researchers at the Rush University Medical Center examined the influence of health and financial literacy on decision-making ability among community-dwelling older adults without dementia. Their…
AAHSA Ziegler 100: 2009 Results
,The release of the 2010 AAHSA Ziegler 100 (AZ 100) report provides data from the nation’s 100 largest not-for-profit multi-site senior living providers as they…
Loneliness, Functional Decline, & Mortality
,It is well known that social connectedness and the avoidance of loneliness are important aspects of healthy aging. The psychological experience of loneliness is distinct…
Updated Falls Prevention Guidelines
,Falls are the most common cause of injury to older adults, and a fear of falling keeps many from physical and social activity. Minimizing falls…
Economic Influences on Remarriage & Cohabitation
,As the US population ages, older adults are the fastest growing age group of people who cohabitate (or live in an unmarried intimate domestic relationship).…
AAHSA Ziegler 100: 2008 Results
,The release of the 2009 AAHSA Ziegler 100 (AZ 100) report coincides with one of the most challenging economic environments senior living providers have faced…
Aging & Demographic Change in Chile
,There is much to say about the global aging of the human population, as life expectancies tend to rise, and fertility rates tend to decline,…
Women & the Meaning of “Age” in Bhubaneswar, India
,The meaning of “old age” can vary tremendously across time and across cultures, profoundly influencing how we order our lives. It can even vary within…
Exercise May Reduce Falls Risk Via Cognitive Benefits
,Research has shown that falls reduction programs that include exercise are most effective for reducing falls risk. It is often assumed that these programs are…
Generativity: Contributing to Others May Enhance Well-Being
,Scholars of the life course have long hypothesized that generativity, or constructive activity that benefits others, is important to mid- and later-life human development. (Examples…
Hospitalization & Cognitive Decline
,Hospitalization of individuals is often necessary, but it can be associated with several risks. For example, among older adults, hospitalization has been linked to an…
Air Pollution & Cognitive Decline
,Researchers who study cognitive decline are working to identify modifiable risk factors and other ways of reducing or delaying dementia. Epidemiological research has suggested that…