Roscoe Nicholson
Plugging the Gap for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: How the Villages Initiative Picks Up Where Policy Falls Short
,Increasingly, public policy attention is focusing on meeting the health needs of older adults aging in place. However, this population has a number of other…
Surprising Differences for Caregivers on the Relationship between Depression & Disability
,A number of studies have demonstrated that depression symptoms and disability increase the risk of each other, but new research comparing caregivers and noncaregivers digs…
New Prescription for Improved Physician-Patient Communication: Empathy
,The relationship between patient and physician is one that becomes more important as adults get older and begin to approach later life. Aside from a…
Multidimensional Programs Have Brain Benefits, Even for At-Risk Older Adults
,Multiple areas of lifestyle have been associated with reduced risk of cognitive decline in older adults, which suggests that multidimensional programs for older adults aimed…
A Closer Look at Which Social Activities Have the Greatest Cognitive Benefit
,Accumulating research continues to show that social activity has a positive benefit on health and well-being, and multiple longitudinal studies have shown that more socially…
Coping with Stress through Temporal Distance
,Many comedians have been credited with the theory that “comedy equals tragedy plus time.” Recently, however, a team of researchers has taken it upon themselves…
Credit Scores, Cognitive Aging & Competency: Older Adults’ Financial Decision-Making
,Older adults face a number of major financial challenges and decisions as they age, including living on a fixed income, ensuring that their savings will…
Adjusting to CCRC Living: How & Why Older Adults Transition Differently
,Even when entered into voluntarily, the transition to senior living can pose a number of adjustment challenges to new residents. Although Continuing Care Retirement Communities…
Thoughtfully Daydreaming Our Way to Psychological Well-Being
,What’s the difference between healthy daydreaming about one’s meaning in the world and a homeless person who believes that he’s Jesus Christ? As is apparent…
Active Aging vs. Successful Aging Policies—What’s the Difference?
,While the concept of successful aging has become prevalent in academic and policy discussions surrounding aging in the United States, in Europe the idea of…
Routes from Dissatisfied Resident to Successful Aging
,An article in a recent special Gerontologist issue on successful aging suggests that the impact of the residential environment and the subjective experience of older…
Is Lower Stroke Risk Associated with a Mediterranean Diet?
,An accumulating body of evidence suggests that a Mediterranean diet has a number of brain benefits. Recently, a group of researchers followed a population of…