Roscoe Nicholson

Crosswords & Cognition: New Research Supports Benefits of Word & Number Games for Older Adults
, Aging & Wellness

A recent study provided further encouraging evidence about the positive impact that cognitively stimulating leisure activities can have for older adults. It also provided important…

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Stigma & Separation: Social Issues Surrounding Multiple Levels of Care in Senior Housing
, Senior Housing

Although Life Plan Communities and other multilevel senior living residences offer older adults the ability to age in place as care needs change, transitions from…

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A Surprising Look at the Personalities of Older Adults
, Aging & Wellness

How much does one’s personality develop over the course of a lifetime, and how do our personalities play into the types of situations and interactions…

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Successful Aging & How Older Adults Perceive Themselves
, Long-term Care, Policy & Regulation

Although there has been increasing interest in “successful aging,” little consensus exists on what constitutes successful aging, and successful aging definitions have been criticized for…

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How to Win Friends—with Positive Expectations of Aging
, Aging & Wellness

The attitudes we espouse impact our behaviors, and new research has reaffirmed this truism as it pertains to positive aging. The researchers tested the notion…

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TRENDING NOW: Aging in Place with Access to Continuing Care
, Senior Housing, Trending Now

With the aging of thousands of baby boomers , the demand for new home- and community-based care models is increasing. An overwhelming number of older…

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Going to the Dogs: How Owning a Dog Can Improve Older Adults’ Health
, Aging & Wellness

A recent study of older adults looked the contributions of dog ownership on positive health outcomes, and asked whether potential health benefits of dog ownership…

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TRENDING NOW: Cohousing Developments Offer Unique Option for Aging in Place
, Senior Housing, Trending Now

Cohousing communities are taking off in British Columbia as a way to encourage positive aging. One recently completed community called Harbourside Cohousing is built on…

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How Much Preventive Care Is Appropriate for Assisted Living Residents?
, Senior Housing

Residents in assisted living are less healthy than the general older adult population, and often share many characteristics of older adults in nursing homes. However,…

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Give Me a Break: How Adult Day Services Impact Caregivers’ Stress
, Caregiving

Many studies have shown that family caregivers are at greater risk for a variety of poor health outcomes due to the stressful nature of caregiving.…

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Boogie for Your Brain: Dancing May Improve Cognition in Older Adults
, Aging & Wellness

Numerous studies have shown the positive impact that exercise can have on cognition and the brains of older adults, and it has been suggested that…

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Sing a Song of Aging: How Older Adults Are Depicted in Popular Music
, Aging & Wellness

The portrayal of older adults in popular culture is something that has an impact on the general populace and how it views the aging process…

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