Ajla Basic
TRENDING NOW: Older Adults as Social Media Influencers
,The pandemic has allowed older adults to flex their technological muscles. For some, that meant broadening their horizons with social media. New research is finding…
Emotional Intelligence: How Older & Younger Adults Perceive Emotions
,Identifying and labeling emotions is one area in which older and younger people differ, but the reason why is still unclear. A recent study utilized…
Less Pain, More Gain: Expanding Psychological Treatments for Chronic Pain
,Many Americans, especially older ones, seek ways to manage their chronic pain. An article in a recent issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest…
Good Sleep = Good Brain Health: Duration of Night’s Sleep Associated with Alzheimer’s Risk
,Past research has found a link between disrupted sleep, which is common in aging, and poorer cognition. To date, researchers have already found evidence for…
TRENDING NOW: TV Talent Show Showcases Older Adults On- and Off-Screen
,A new trend in the realm of entertainment is sweeping across televisions around the country. McKnight’s Senior Living reports on a streaming service designed for…
Achieving Eldership: Alaska Native Elders Share Stories of Aging Well
,In recent years, health and aging researchers have increasingly turned to the theory of gerotranscendence to understand aspects of positive aging and developmental shifts in…
Studying a New Way to Train: Dementia-Focused Microlearning for Nursing Home Staff
,Dementia training has a new format. Microlearning sessions are intended to allow users to learn at their own pace, while building on and reviewing material…
Financial Knowledge Is Power: Examining Older Adults’ Income Security & Financial Understanding
,Managing finances can be challenging at any age, but may be particularly important for older adults on a fixed income. In a study that earned…
Work-Life Balance: Poor Treatment at Work Affects Well-Being of Older Employees & Their Spouses
,Older adults comprise the largest segment of the US workforce, yet they also experience the most interpersonal mistreatment. Researchers at the University of New Mexico…
Of Wisdom & Well-Being: Personal Wisdom & Quality of Life in Chinese Older Adults
,Wisdom, or the accumulation of knowledge, judgment, reflection, and an experiential understanding of the social world, has long been acknowledged as a positive aspect of…
For Better & for Worse: Older Couples Influence Each Other’s Perceptions of Aging
,Research has found that couples can be interdependent, resulting in one spouse’s well-being affecting the other’s and vice versa. A study explored the role that…
TRENDING NOW: Pandemic-Related Early Retirement among Baby Boomers
,The COVID-19 pandemic has had many residual consequences, even as we find ways to normalize our lives. The Los Angeles Times reports on one such…