Roscoe Nicholson
Preparing for the Inevitable: Family Caregivers Need Help Preparing for Recipients’ Death
,A survey of caregivers of family members with dementia who had passed away showed that more than a third reported being unprepared for the death.…
Age on Stage: The Many Benefits of Theater Arts for Older Adults
,Many older adults opt to pursue a number of artistic pursuits in their retirement. There have been previous reviews of older adults’ arts participation that…
A Matter of Life or Death: Stronger Well-Being Lessens Anxiety of Dying
,In the Iliad, Homer said, “Light is the task when many share the toil.” Homer’s advice is sage and has stood the test of time.…
TRENDING NOW: Close-up on Cameras in Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing Residents’ Rooms
,A recent survey of assisted living and skilled nursing providers examined the use of cameras in residents’ rooms. While the issue of cameras is getting…
Breakthrough! Attracting & Retaining Diverse, Low Income Older Adults as Volunteers
,Although research suggests that low income older adults are likely to benefit most from being volunteers, evidence also suggests they have fewer opportunities to volunteer.…
Phoning It In: Videoconferencing to Improve Dementia Care
,Effectively managing the symptoms of residents with dementia can require considerable clinical expertise. Unfortunately, many nursing homes lack access to the specialized expertise that could…
The Art of Combatting Ageism: How One Art Program Is Changing Perspectives
,Health care students are usually exposed to older adults primarily in clinical settings such as hospitals or nursing homes. This can perpetuate negative stereotypes of…
Redefining Health & Aging
,A new study may shift how we define health and aging. Instead of focusing on diseases, researchers looked at 54 health measures to see which…
TRENDING NOW: Senior Living Administrators Seek Solutions for Staffing Shortages
,Recently Senior Housing News published an article that examines the continuation of staffing shortages within the senior housing community, and how administrators within the industry…
Why You Should Employ Older Adults to Serve Older Adults
,With a shortage of nurses and an aging population that needs more health care, industries including Life Plan Communities are scrambling for staff. One possible…
TRENDING NOW: Ideas for Integrating Housing & Health Care for Older Adults
,Recently the Senior Health and Housing Task Force formed by the Bipartisan Policy Center released a report titled Healthy Aging Begins at Home. This report…
Frame by Frame: Two Views of Late-Life Inequality
,In a recent article, researchers Renee Beard and John Williamson discuss two major ways that late-life inequality is framed and how these different perspectives on…