Ajla Basic
TRENDING NOW: Skilled Nursing Homes Striving for a Comeback
,A recent McKnight’s column titled “The Evolution of Nursing Homes” examines the changing world of skilled nursing homes and how many are convinced that this…
Staying behind the Wheel: Extending Older Adults’ Ability to Drive with Cognitive Training
,Maintaining the ability to drive is an important way for older adults to maintain their independence, and loss of this ability is associated with negative…
The Third Age: When Baby Boomers Finally Get to Save the World?
,The Third Age of life is the period of healthy retirement, prior to the onset of significant frailty or physical difficulties. A recent Public Policy…
Leisure Time over Time: How Men & Women Differ in Activity Levels as They Age
,Participation in leisure activities has been associated with a number of positive cognitive, physical, and emotional outcomes as we age. However, we are still learning…
A Positive View of Your Own Future Pays Off
,Recent research has shown a spotlight on ramifications on psychological well-being related to the way we conceive of our own futures, in addition to our…
Can’t Get No Satisfaction: How Do Respondents’ Personal Characteristics Impact Resident Satisfaction Ratings?
,Resident and customer satisfaction surveys are an important way for aging services organizations to gauge how well they meet the needs and preferences of the…
TRENDING NOW: How Aging Baby Boomers, Diversity Are Changing Assisted Living
,Recently, Bankrate published an online article titled Latest Trends in Assisted Living Facilities. The article examines how the senior living industry is changing to accommodate…
Reading for Life: How What You Read Impacts Longevity
,Using longitudinal survey data that asked about book and newspaper/magazine reading separately, researchers recently looked at the association of reading with participants’ longevity, as well…
TRENDING NOW: Health Technology & Overall Technology Use for Older Adults 2011–2014
,A recent study in JAMA examined trends in older adults’ technology use from 2011 to 2014, with a particular focus on the use of health…
Makeup Work: Boosting Cognitive Benefits with Post-Retirement Leisure Activities
,Previous research has shown that work complexity prior to retirement is associated with long-term cognitive benefits in retirement, but what about the impact of the…
Knocking Down Falls Risks with Virtual Reality
,While virtual reality devices are commonly associated with video games, recently researchers found that virtual reality can be used to reduce risks of falls in…
All by Myself: Life Plan Community Residents Experience Social Isolation
,While research on isolation in community-dwelling older adults (e.g., older adults still living in their own homes) is prevalent, less attention has been focused on…