Roscoe Nicholson
TRENDING NOW: Adult Playgrounds
,Adult playgrounds have long been popular in China, Japan, and parts of Europe and South America, and now the concept is increasingly being adopted in…
A Second Life for Isolated Older Adults? A Real-Life Look at Using Virtual Environments for Socializing
,Advances in Internet technology have enabled the creation of immersive, realistic 3-D online environments. One of the most popular of these is Second Life, a…
Taking Charge: Lessons from Letting Older Adults Self-Direct Their Care
,As the number of care options available for older adults has grown, many older adults and policymakers are championing the concept of self-direction—the idea that…
Zzzzz: Which Sleep Patterns in Older Adults Are Linked to Dementia?
,Do sleep patterns predict older adults’ likelihood of developing dementia? Researchers attempted to answer this question by looking at how sleep patterns reported by older…
Older Adults’ Feelings of Financial Strain Linked to Poor Health
,Increasing evidence suggests that interpretations of personal circumstances can impact individuals’ health and quality of life. Research shows that in developed countries the subjective experience…
Out of the Blue: New Model Helps Family Caregivers of Stroke Sufferers
,Strokes provide numerous challenges to not only the sufferer of the stroke, but also to that individual’s caregiver. Because of the suddenness of strokes, many…
TRENDING NOW: Senior Living Hails Ride-Sharing Apps for Residents
,An increasing number of senior living and aging services organizations are turning to ride hailing apps such as Uber and Lyft as an option for…
Feeling Useful as a Human Being into Older Adulthood
,Researchers are beginning to explore self-perceived usefulness and its impact on how we age. Specifically, Chinese researchers recently examined how older adults view their level…
Beet It: Immediate Brain Benefits Found for Drinking Beet Juice before Exercise
,A new study finds that older adults with high blood pressure who drink beet juice before exercising enjoy greater brain plasticity.
The Cost of Caregiving: Putting a Price on Tech That Helps Caregivers
,How much would you be willing to pay for technology to help with the caregiving of an older adult in your life? Researchers recently sought…
Motivation Counts: Benefits to Older Adults from Tech Use Depends on Why They Use It
,Many potential benefits of information and communication technology (cell phones, social media, fitness trackers, etc.) have been suggested for older adults, but not much is…
Three Cups a Day Keep Dementia Away: Promising Research for Coffee-Drinkers
,A cup of joe is a regular part of many people’s daily routines, but beyond helping us wake up, could that coffee be offering other…