Dugan O’Connor

TRENDING NOW: Common Technology Use within Senior Living
, Technology, Trending Now

The most widely used resident care technologies in the senior living industry, according to the recent ASHA Senior Living Technology Report, are emergency response systems…

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When Volunteers Vamoose: Why Older Adults Stop Volunteering
, Aging & Wellness

Volunteering by older adults not only provides important societal benefits, but has also been shown to have positive impacts on the health of those who…

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Setting the Record Straight: Debunking Harmful Myths about Aging
, Aging & Wellness

Ageism, inaccurate media portrayals, and lack of adequate education on aging all combine to produce a number of misconceptions about aging. In light of the…

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An Apple a Day Keeps Distress at Bay: Psychological Benefits of Eating Fruits & Veggies
, Aging & Wellness

There is growing evidence that nutrition not only plays a role in disease prevention, it can also impact mental health. A recent study of more…

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Share and Share Alike: How Patterns of Generosity Change with Age
, Aging & Wellness

Research suggests that generosity increases with age. One reason suggested for this is that older adults may be more motivated to provide assistance to individuals…

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Listening with the EAR: An Advancement in How We Can Listen to Older Adults
, Technology

I vividly remember classmates at the University of Arizona in the early 2000s speaking about amazing technology that a professor had developed and was using…

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TRENDING NOW: Empty Convents Converted into Housing for Older Adults
, Senior Housing, Trending Now

A number of projects are underway to convert underutilized convents around Chicago into housing for older adults. These buildings once offered living spaces for nuns,…

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Day by Day: Immediate Benefits to Older Adults from Physical Activity
, Aging & Wellness

Although much evidence suggests that physical activity has physical and psychological benefits for older adults, less is known about how types of activity and time…

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Virtually Yours: How People with Dementia Respond to Virtual Reality Programs
, Technology

As virtual reality (VR) technology becomes more common and less expensive, the aging services industry and researchers are beginning to explore its potential uses with…

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Re-Examining Lifestyle Redesign: A Closer Look at What Makes an Intervention Succeed
, Aging & Wellness

In order to design and implement successful lifestyle interventions for older adults, it’s important to understand the mechanisms that contribute to their success. A recent…

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BROs before Lows: How a Cost-Effective Befriending Intervention Combats Loneliness in Older Adults
, Policy & Regulation

Social isolation and loneliness are gaining attention globally through public awareness campaigns such as the UK’s Campaign to End Loneliness and AARP’s Connect2Affect. But which interventions…

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TRENDING NOW: Older Adults Living Apart Together
, Aging & Wellness, Trending Now

The nature of committed relationships is changing for many older adults. “Living Apart Together” is an increasingly common type of relationship in which couples do…

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