Roscoe Nicholson
The Write Stuff: Keeping a Journal & Risk of Late-Life Dementia
,Prior brain health research has shown that intellectual engagement is associated with lower risk of dementia. Additionally, in the well-known “nun study” on aging and…
TRENDING NOW: Older Adults Learning to Code
,Coding is often thought of as a career path for young people. Some may think older adults would have difficulty learning this skill. However, it…
Hitting “Refresh” on Technology & Older Adults’ Independence
,In 2016, the President’s Council of Advisors in Science and Technology issued the report Independence, Technology and Connection in Older Age. A recent paper took…
Discrimination, Depression & Dementia: A Closer Look at How Race & Ethnicity Impact Memory Loss
,Research has shown that African Americans and Hispanics are at increased risk of dementia, even when cardiovascular and socioeconomic factors are taken into account. What…
The Shift to Private Administration of Long-Term Care
,There has been a well-documented shift in publicly funded long-term care (LTC) from a predominance of nursing homes to a more balanced array of options…
Conga for Cognition: Dance Lessons & Brain Health
,For older adults looking for an activity to improve both their brain health and balance, dance classes may be worth a try. Findings from a…
Good News for Do-Gooders: A Closer Look at How Volunteering Benefits Older Adults’ Cognition
,One of the activities that research has associated with older adults maintaining or increasing cognitive functioning is formal volunteering. Researchers recently looked at the association…
TRENDING NOW: Older Adults Want Mobile News Too
,An increasing number of Americans are getting their news from mobile devices, and older adults have contributed substantially to this increase. A recent survey asked…
Family Caregivers to the Rescue: Potential Medicaid Savings of Training Caregivers
,In addition to its clinical challenges, institutional dementia care comes with a substantial economic burden for state Medicaid programs. One estimate is that two-thirds of…
This Is Your Brain on Facebook: How Social Networking Affects Older Adults
,This study included 41 older adults living in the community and in senior living, with an average age of 79. Fourteen participants learned and used…
Clean, Spacious Work Environments Enhance Assisted Living Staff Productivity
,Numerous studies have documented the impact that assisted living environments can have on residents, but what impact do these environments have on staff? A recent…
TRENDING NOW: Making Cities Smarter for Older Adults
,Making a city smarter means using new technology and better design to help make things run more efficiently and to provide the most benefit to…