Ajla Basic
Sad-Face Emoji: Social Media Use Associated with Depression in Adults
,Researchers seem to have found that social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok may be related to an increased likelihood of depressive symptoms in…
Mall Things Considered: Converting Vacant Shopping Centers to Memory Support Communities
,Shopping malls in the US have been struggling to remain open in recent years, and this has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. European countries…
TRENDING NOW: No “Great Relocation” during Great Retirement Trend
,In the era of COVID-19, we may be exposed to trends like the Great Resignation and the Great Retirement, and expect that the number of…
Happily Ever After: Older Retirees’ Satisfaction with Life Differs by Gender
,The change in one’s life role after retirement is suspected to influence satisfaction with one’s life as a whole. A recent study investigated how satisfaction…
Preventing Unintended Consequences: Receiving a Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Impacts Social Activity
,Receiving an early diagnosis for a disease can be a double-edged sword. While an early diagnosis can sometimes provide opportunities for better long-term care planning,…
My Living Room, Myself: How Personal Space Reflects Older Adults’ Personality & Functional Limitations
,Taking “home is where the heart is” to another level, a study has found that a person’s living space can reveal their personality traits and…
TRENDING NOW: Growing Demographic of Childless Older Adults Aging Solo
,A new census report reveals that there is a growing number of childless older adults. The term for older adults who do not have kids…
Social Standing: Examining Social Hierarchies within Assisted Living Communities
,Researchers have long established how social standing within communities can impact life quality. As residents within Assisted Living Communities (ALCs) engage with other residents and…
A Friend in Need: Comparing Older & Younger Adults’ Prosocial Giving during the Pandemic
,Research in western nations suggests older adults are more prosocial than younger adults; however, it is unclear whether this is the case in non-western nations…
Testing the Test: A Move toward Culturally Inclusive Cognitive Screening
,Neuropsychological assessments, used to examine cognitive function, may not accurately measure the same abilities across cultural groups. In a study that received a Silver 2021 Innovative…
Attitude Adjustment: Video-Based Training Addresses Ageism in Senior Living Staff
,Decades of research demonstrate a link between ageist attitudes and behaviors and both physical and mental health outcomes. While there has been little evidence that…
Dialing Down Depression: Delivering Tele-Mental Health Treatments with Lay Counselors
,Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin looked at the effect of telehealth treatment by lay counselors vs. clinicians on depression among homebound older…