Ajla Basic
TRENDING NOW: Choirs as a Key to Countering Loneliness in Older Adults
,As loneliness becomes a social health problem for older adults, solutions are constantly being tested. From high-tech robots and personalized virtual speakers, researchers and inventors…
Hey Sports Fans! Spectator Sports Can Boost Older Adults’ Well-Being
,Researchers recently completed a two-part study on the effects of “sport fandom” on older adults’ well-being, including game attendance, team identification, and perceived emotional support.…
Bringing the Outdoors In: How Indoor Nature Benefits Senior Living Residents
,Experiencing and interacting with nature can have profound effects on well-being, but what are the best ways for senior living providers to offer nature interventions…
Mastering Caregiving: Benefits of Mastery for High-Burden Caregivers
,Taking on the role of caregiver for a loved one can be a burdensome task, but there is some evidence that this type of role…
Slips, Trips & Fewer Falls: New Research in Fall-Prevention Training
,In a recent study, 44 community-dwelling adults age 65 or better participated in a series of three training sessions designed to teach them how to…
TRENDING NOW: Tackling Dementia with Robots & Video Games
,Robots are gradually solidifying their place in the world of older adult care. They are taking on roles of companions, caretakers, and, now, teachers. McKnight’s…
A New Reason Creative Activities Are Good for Older Adults: Generativity
,A recent study investigated how finding meaning and benefit in creative hobbies helps to enhance older adults’ sense of generativity. Generativity refers to the desire…
Mind Games: A Review of Whether Brain Games Improve Cognitive Health
,Playing games seems like a great way to maintain or improve cognitive health, but do brain games really work? The answer, according to a recent…
A “Dementia Boom” Is Coming: Here’s What We Can Do to Prepare
,An article from the 2018 issue of Seniors Housing & Care Journal examined the coming challenge of providing adequate care for the growing number of…
TRENDING NOW: Accessing Grandkids On-Demand
,Loneliness continues to be a focus for research on older adults, with both senior living developers and researchers attempting to find savvy new ways to…
Sit, Walk, or Stand? The Better Way for Older Adults to Take a Break
,There has been a surge in research suggesting that sitting too much is hazardous to one’s health. But is standing or walking a more effective…
What Do YOU Think? Effects on Longevity of Advice-Seeking & Self-Sufficiency
,Self-sufficiency is a highly valued personal characteristic for many Americans. However, the health benefits of this characteristic remain unclear. A recent study aimed to compare…