Dugan O’Connor
Think Fast! Independent & Assisted Living Residents Benefit from Cognitive Training
,In a study that earned a silver 2019 Mather LifeWays Innovative Research on Aging award, researchers explored how independent and assisted living residents can benefit…
The Role of Race in Future Care Planning—Not What It Seems
,Planning for one’s future care can be difficult to even consider, but it tends to be even less common among African Americans. One study aimed…
Which Care Setting Has the Best Record for Hospitalizations? You Might Be Surprised
,Falls, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits are important indicators of care in residential care communities. A recent study investigated how dementia special care units compare…
TRENDING NOW: It’s Fun to Age at the YMCA
,Since its founding in 1844, the YMCA has been known as a popular recreational organization where young people can meet and focus on activities and…
Exploring Inner Space: Assisted Living Residents’ Perceptions of Shrinking Space
,The transition to assisted living is accompanied by many changes for residents. One study investigated residents’ positive and negative perceptions of shrinking space as they…
You Might Also Like This: Programmers Seek to Streamline Person-Centered Care Questionnaire
,With the goal of offering better person-centered care, nursing homes use the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI-NH), a long questionnaire to assess resident preferences.…
Location, Location, Location: Caregivers in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Show Surprising Outcomes
,A new study utilized a mapping tool to uncover differences in caregiver outcomes based on neighborhood characteristics. The researchers conducted telephone surveys with 792 caregivers…
Risk Factor: Benefits of Physical Activity for Those with Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s
,In a study that earned a 2019 Mather LifeWays Innovative Research on Aging silver award, researchers investigated the role that physical fitness plays in developing…
TRENDING NOW: Virtual Reality Training for Caregiving Staff Puts Them in the Shoes of Care Recipients
,Virtual reality has been on the scene for quite some time, but Embodied Labs is pushing the envelope when it comes to using this immersive…
Revitalize & Reauthorize: Strengthening the Older Americans Act
,The Older Americans Act, established in 1965 as a source of federal funding for services to support older adults’ independence, is up for reauthorization. Aging…
Like, Share & Retweet: Social Media Use May Improve Older Adults’ Cognition
,An interesting new study explored the cognitive benefits of using social media. Half of the 34 participants age 65 or over (average age 76.5) attended…
The End of Ageism? Messaging May Reduce Implicit Age Bias
,In a study that earned the 2019 Gold Mather LifeWays Innovative Research on Aging Award, researchers surveyed 767 adults age 18 to 92 about their implicit…