American Society on Aging Launches New LGBT Aging Website

The American Society on Aging (ASA) recently launched a new website devoted to issues specific to aging lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) Americans. The LGBT Aging Resources Clearinghouse is designed to give healthcare and social service providers, students, policymakers, researchers, and older LGBT adults and their friends and families access to information about professional services, model programs, and community organizations.

The clearinghouse provides annotated lists of service providers, community organizations, websites, books, DVDs, and reports. The site is designed for visitors to search these resources based on their specific needs.

ASA President and CEO Robert Stein describes the site as one that “provides useful knowledge to all those concerned about the well-being of LGBT older adults, empowering visitors to find the information and direction they need to create stronger networks of family and community for a population of elders who have so often been overlooked and underserved.”

The clearinghouse can be found at

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